BECERA is a new independent organisation for those early childhood practitioners, researchers and practitioner researchers working in the British Isles who want a space to meet, enquire and discuss issues relevant to their work with young children and families.
BECERA aims to stimulate, support, create and disseminate rigorous, grounded and conceptual knowledge and its applications to our early childhood services. It does this through an annual conference where research is presented and subjected to peer-review. The knowledge generated from each conference will be made available in an on-line, searchable database.
Aims and Objectives
BECERA is particularly interested in practitioner research and exploring paradigms and methodologies which impact directly on services. BECERA is interested in how knowledge is constructed, who listens and who speaks and in capturing the voices of all, including parents and children.
BECERA will provide a unique British forum to bring together research, practice and policy and strengthen the early childhood research community in the vital contribution it makes to British practice and policy.
Key Info
Bell Barn RoadAttwood Green
BirminghamWest Midlands
B15 2AF
United Kingdom